Sunday, January 24, 2010

Accomplishing Your Dream

Accomplishing your life's dream takes some thought. There are decisions to be made. Who do you want to be? What is your goal? Pick one, any one. The main point is to pick something.

It can be as simple as committing to eating breakfast every day to quitting smoking. It can be planting a garden or making a new friend.
Once you choose your goal, you must think of your goal as if it has already happened. Picture who you are and what it looks like to accomplish this goal.

Once you have this clear picture, then step into it. Look around. Notice the colors, the scents around you and feel how good it feels to be successful.

Once you have chosen this goal, there are 3 steps you need to take to make it happen:
It takes 3 things: Belief, Motivation and Action

1. First, the power of belief is as powerful as any drug you can take. Focusing positive energy on your goals, on who you want to be and what you want to accomplish is the the first step. In order to take the next step, you must believe you can do it.

2. The second step is having motivation. Do you want it? Can you taste it? Can you visualize yourself standing tall and succeeding at whatever it is that means something to you? You may want to lose weight. You may want to be an accomplished singer or a published writer. Whatever goal you may have, take the fire in your belly and harness it into positive self worth. It is what rises you up every morning, take that slug of coffee as you push yourself into your bosses office to tell him that you appreciate all of the verbal abuse and long hours for little pay, but you have decided to leave the world of insurance to become a stand up comedian. The motivation is backed by a clear picture of how it will feel to stand in front of a crowd and make them laugh until tears are streaming down their faces.

3. Now comes the action. Move your mind, body and spirit in the right direction. Take steps to make your dream come true. It doesn't have to be a big step, but it does have to be a step. The best part is that the step you take is your own personal cha-cha. Move your booty! Who cares if you look like Elaine Benes from Seinfeld. Just dance!

Quitting your job may be an extreme action, but the most important part is moving toward your picture. A smaller step to becoming a comedian may be Open Mike Night at the local bar to test out your timing and refine your delivery. Heck, set up a small crowd in your living room and entertain your Aunts and Uncles. It still takes guts to move toward your dream and every bit provides a stepping stone. I can promise that a small taste of any kind of success will rocket you towards the big picture. The feeling is so addictive that along with your self esteem, the positive energy will surround you and keep you moving and shaking.